Guys FireRTC is for matienence today so you cannot call on FireRTC. What should I use instead of firertc?

Use Skype or Google hangouts.

I would recommend firertc.


Free Internet Calls | CitrusTel - if your in the uk use this

@memes#10060 He said it was down for maintenance

@Anonymous#10058 Use FireTc

@WasteScammersTime189#10072 @memes#10060 Are you two blind?

@R34P3R#10085 It’s just a prank bro.

@R34P3R#10085 Filthy Frank you just got pranked (green screen) - YouTube

I'm sorry, i'll leave.

@R34P3R#10085 Its a joke chill ou

@WasteScammersTime189#10144 As much as we all appreciate humour, a thread asking for help isn’t the place for jokes.


To add on to @1337mathster#10146, Reaper didn’t want any misleading information.

@1337mathster#10146 Sorry. Wont do it again. Was a harmful joke.

getting an error in FireRTC today? Cannot load the phone Portion?

"Failed to get access to local media due to error: NotFoundError"

google voice is free and give you a number to call and text with