Popup - http://ujahipo.com/wZiXZLdvAM
Registered in Zuid-Holland, Netherlands via Registrar.eu on October 30, 2022 - Whois ujahipo.com
On desktop, the popup redirects to Google
On mobile, the popup redirects to Parcel delivery (enjoycarry.com)
Registered via OwnRegistrar on August 17, 2022 - Whois enjoycarry.com
Popup claims your parcel was stuck at the depot for over a week, threatening to fine you $1/day until you reschedule your delivery for $2 in shipping costs.
Users will then be redirected to Registration - My Profile (datetodayoffer.com)
Registered via Google on November 8, 2022 - Whois datetodayoffer.com
Requires a 1-day trial to the Please Prize Club, a fake rewards program that bills itself as “one of the best fitness apps on the market,” for $0-49.99 and $189.94. Users will then be charged the monthly fee of $99.97 after the trial expires, followed by an additional $189.94 if they do not cancel.
Associated Phone Number - (833) 681-4531
“Thank you for calling Customer Care, how may I help you?”
Associated Email Address - [email protected]