Popup - angivon.com/45Do5GiU3C
Registered via NameCheap on October 28, 2022 - Whois angivon.com
On desktop, the popup redirects to blank.org. On mobile, the popup redirects to Parcel delivery (aguhoa.com)
Registered via NameCheap on September 26, 2022 - Parcel delivery (aguhoa.com)
Users are further redirected to a “Free Samsung Neo QLED 8K TV” Scam registered via NameSilo on September 1, 2022 - Whois mygreatwin.com
Requires a 5-day trial subscription for either $5 or $6.97. Afterwards, users will be charged $79.95/month (for the $5 plan) or $89.95/month (for the $6.97 plan) if they don’t cancel.
Associated Phone Numbers:
(437) 552-6399
“Your call has been forwarded to a voice mail service that has not been initialized by the customer.”
(833) 239-5979
“Thank you for calling customer service. For quality assurance purposes, this call may be monitored or recorded. Please stay on the line and a customer service agent will be with you shortly. Your call is very important to us. Please press 2 to leave a message or simply stay on the line and a customer service representative will be with you shortly.” [MUSIC]
“Customer Service, this is Marcus. How can I help you?”
Marcus actually works for the 3rd-party company Monater Holdings, LLC. They are located at 1031 Longmeadow Ln, Western Springs, IL 60558
Associated Email Address - [email protected]