FearToxin Scanner Popup Thread

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://tskcheck00hisplink076.z11.web.core.windows.net/winside/00Windbndktw0win11advance/index.html
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://tskcheck00hisplink076.z11.web.core.windows.net/?gad_source=5&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0KKZw_D8iAMVeQ12Bh3qUwhyEAEYASAAEgKyavD_BwE
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://goa4.z24.web.core.windows.net/werrx01USAHTML/?bcda=1-802-304-9103
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://dcxutzdvlyzq4.z21.web.core.windows.net/?phone=1-855-510-4083
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://enxhzdsnj9en.z13.web.core.windows.net/
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://nice-ocean-040b0c010.5.azurestaticapps.net/Win08ShDMeEr0887/index.html
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://salmon-glacier-0515c4310.5.azurestaticapps.net/Win08ShDMeEr0887/index.html
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://goa9-secondary.z24.web.core.windows.net/werrx01USAHTML/?bcda=1-810-221-4206
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://microsoft-security-alert.gamtrack.link/
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://8th9k4w3j1b98342.z31.web.core.windows.net/
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/k39.single1.win.chaker.er00r.page.windo.key/index.html
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://8th5p2m8y6v04392.z31.web.core.windows.net/
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://mcrosoft-services-virus-alert0x123412.pages.dev/
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://puranigad.online/exxxpjhuijguhjuhjuh/
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://puranigad.online/edddkhgjfjuhghjhgj/
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://msscam-95qyfjgly-de-y.vercel.app/
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://lysdtaij.online/edgknbvhgjmuhjjhgh/
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://bhitafara.online/exojihjkjnbjhuihojlkbh/
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://httes9-secondary.z24.web.core.windows.net/werrx01USAHTML/?bcda=1-806-544-2250#
Extracted Nums:

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.

URL: https://lkjifystst.online/exppppkjhggjvgfhghggf/
Extracted Nums: