"FBI Agent Marcel N.O." wants an email - (510) 747 8982

Carrier: Talktone P2P/Bandwidth.com
Answers as: “Agent Marcel N.O.”
Call Center Location: Overseas, presumed Nigeria :nigeria:
Phonebots Deployed: Lenny (2 :duck:)

Dude repeatedly asked for an email, but got double-ducked by Lenny instead. I cannot find the recording, as there are issues with the SDS PBX.

Email sender: FBI Records ([email protected])
Email title:

"Attention Dear , I am here to let you know that your funds $19.5 Million Us Dollars has been declared free yesterday in the Court Of Law , so contact Agent Marcel N. O who is in-charge of the delivery and send $100 to him for DUMORAGE CLEARANCE to enable him to go with your funds and deliver it to you and be inform that you have 7 days to claim your funds or Government will revoke it . E-mail [email protected] Phone number +1 510 747 8982 .

Thanks .
Director Of FBI
Mr. Christopher A. Wray"