From this website you can get the number 8609700519, which deceptively implies it is the United Airlines help desk. They also claim to link you to the official United Airlines website, but it redirects to:
From this, we get the number 8888080730.
Going back to the first site, scrolling down will lead to another redirect to the site
This site seems to just be a bunch of copy-paste articles
The first redirect link on the first site goes to but it requires you to sign into your Google account, so no thanks. The main website however, seems like it could be a legit website as far as I can discern
When calling the first number, the guy I talked to says that they are Faresmatch, with the website of the number on the site is 8009183039. The address listed on their site is to a residential area in California. Support email is [email protected]. Their callback number is 2012015018
Their twitter,, has provided me with the numbers 8005189233, 8662761942. The twitter also links to, support email [email protected], [email protected], address of Behind Vaishali Transport, Maheshpur, Varanasi 221106 U.P.
and lastly, from google