Fake Virus Alert 855 5340614

Scam Number: 855 5340614
Scammer’s Website or Email: Computer Err00r Code #B81TS100d83
Additional information about this scam:

This was active yesterday in the block I was just updating
there is a lot of their numbers active

It’s just terrible! I can’t bear all the deceit and bs, preying on innocent people, stealing their money and personal information.
It’s like whack a mole trying to get their numbers down. I’m ready to give up!!

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I know exactly what you mean more than you realize.
There are days where finding ten thousand active scam numbers is not hard to do and you know there’s another one hundred thousand more that you don’t physically have the time in each day to even get to.
I could easily prove there is a quarter of a million numbers every day dedicated to fraud

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