Scam Number: 844 4123130
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam:
844-412-3130 Florence Wednesday 10-23-24 10:13AM EST
This area has been alive with activity in the past
Unsurprisingly it still is with a shit ton of numbers I’ve previously come across back on the 12th of October
The entries are from the majority of neighboring numbers
They always answer as the typical “online support”
8444123139 Microsoft Defender trojan spyware alert
8444123141 Microsoft Defender trojan spyware alert
844-412-3141 Jerry Wednesday 10-23-24 10:26AM EST
Sorry, I accidentally cut the second number off my friend edited above
209-753-4497 Call Back
844-412-3139 Dave Wednesday 10-23-24 10:31AM EST
yep they’re baaaaaack
A real distant squeaky voiced rundi
She might be yelling out from in the shithouse
8444123145 Microsoft Defender trojan spyware alert
844-412-3145 Wednesday 10-23-24 10:41AM EST
These are all existing numbers, active on the 10th, 11th & 14th of October
8444123154 Microsoft Defender trojan spyware alert (ViciDial) bloop
844-412-3154 Peter Wednesday 10-23-24 10:46AM EST
412-376-4167 Call Back
Newly activated number on one of the very few vacant numbers in this neighborhood
Very large noisy call center by the sound of this one in the background
8444123158 Microsoft Defender trojan spyware alert
844-412-3158 Alex Wednesday 10-23-24 11:04AM EST
It appears this area is swarming with bastards
existing known number from 22nd Oct
8444123161 Facebook/Meta support
844-412-3161 Alex Wednesday 10-23-24 11:12AM EST
8444123176 Windows Defender security centre alert
844-412-3176 Wednesday 10-23-24 11:29AM EST
I was finally able to get a few minutes to get back to this search dialer
another hit on only 3 previously vacant numbers in this immediate vicinity
8444123182 Windows Defender security centre alert
844-412-3182 Danny Wednesday 10-23-24 12:33PM EST