Fake Microsoft Support +1 855-915-6038

Scam Number: +1 855-915-6038
Scammer’s Website or Email: https://compassionate-diffie.207-154-195-42.plesk.page/
Additional information about this scam:
Found here: FearToxin Scanner Popup Thread - #5532 by yomanmo

The scammer impersonates Microsoft. He used UltraViewer to gain access to my vm and pretend to have no control over my machine.
Once connected to my machine, he asked me to “switch to a secure line” (i.e. called me back on 425-291-8203 and hang up the call I made to them).

Ran netstat tactic and asked me to log into my online banking and email service. When the login failed, the scammer asked for the bank’s phone number and “connected me with the bank”, which asked me some banking details.

I used my phone to call myself to pretend that my friend was calling me and the scammer required me not to take any phone call or tell anyone else about this.

I found a chance to hang up on the scammer but he keeps calling back from the 425 number.

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855-915-6038 Friday 7-7-23 2:12PM EST

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