Fake Hulu activation 888-856-9552

Scam Number: 888-856-9552
Scammer’s Website or Email: Multiple, see below.
Additional information about this scam:

Continuing my very fruitful search for “code” and “activate” on sites.google.com, I came across this site: https://sites.google.com/site/activateshuluhulu/,

which leads to https://hulu-comactivate.com/about/,

which links to https://clicktrack-linker.xyz/hulla.php,

which redirects to https://serviceactivatehuluonline.github.io/win.html,

which generates the fake invoice/error page https://serviceactivatehuluonline.github.io/winerror.html,

which urges me to call the toll-free number above, lest my credit card be charged $1000 within 24 hours! Wowza that’s some expensive Teevee! So of course I called. Rick wouldn’t tell me his favorite color; he became exasperated with me because he couldn’t understand what that question had to do with the activation of my TV.


888-856-9552 Monday 1-15-24 4:16PM EST

Websites that share the same Google Analytics tags/accounts as the Hulu phishing site:


which prompts you to go to https://portal-offc.download.show/ to reset your Apple password,

which after collecting email, name and phone number, redirects to a fake error page here: Activate Your Device,

which prompts to call 845-877-5455My old pal LENNY!!! We had a nice chat.

Next: http://bbccomaccounttv.com/ ,

which guides you to https://bbccomaccounttv.com/tv-code/,

which has you click on https://servicegetsupport.github.io/, a fake BBC streaming TV activation form.

I used promo code “BHENCHODE” but sadly got the error page! https://servicegetsupport.github.io/error-activating-device.html , which would have me call the same number 888-856-9552, but also offers a UK option: +448081966070.

And finally sharing the same Google Analytics ID (according to dnslytics.com), is what looks to be a real cell phone repair shop in Kota, Rajasthan, India: https://princemobile.in/