Fake Google Play Redeem Script

This is to be used with TamperMonkey and it’s tested working on Edge and Google Chrome: Google Play Redeem

How to use: Enter a fake 16 character code. The 4th character is the most important part.
Example: XXX[0-5] XXX XXX XXX
Any character besides numbers 0-5 = $25

Lets say I use this code: ADF3 FEWF LQPO FEW2. The result will be $300
Or lets say I use this: 0ER5 032F GFDS GRE2. The result will be $500
One thing to note is that in order to enter another card, you have to refresh the page.


it dosent work anymore

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Do you still need this? I created a site that is an exact copy of the google play site. Anything u type in the redeem section works so you can troll scammers.


Yeah, I do.

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It needs a bit of work, but it’s definitely believeable. Currently, anything you type into the “Redeem” section will result in a $500 reward. I will change that, and I will also make it so that you can change the email and the shown user. If you have a request, feel free to reply and let me know. Have a nice day!


No problem. I make all kinds of sites to troll scammers. I can’t use them tho. I can’t seem to find a method to get Amazon refund scams or something like that. All I get is Medicare options and such.

You could use the save all resources extension to copy html code of websites, there are tutorials on how to use it.

Oh lol, I’ve been writing everything from scratch.