+1 912-643-2780
The scammer and got a hold of one of our customers. I work at a computer repair shop. And basically social engineered her out of a 6-digit code like everybody knows not to give people saying that it was so that he can get back into his account, and he took over her account. She’s elderly she doesn’t know any better. I would love it if someone or someone’s could I don’t know flood him and force him to change his phone number. If you want to verify the story. Tell him you’re contacting him about [email protected] Gail Crow and he’ll verify by asking for money.
“query”: “”,
“status”: “success”,
“continent”: “North America”,
“continentCode”: “NA”,
“country”: “United States”,
“countryCode”: “US”,
“region”: “NY”,
“regionName”: “New York”,
“city”: “New York”,
“district”: “”,
“zip”: “10118”,
“lat”: 40.7123,
“lon”: -74.0068,
“timezone”: “America/New_York”,
“offset”: -14400,
“currency”: “USD”,
“isp”: “Cogent Communications”,
“org”: “Ipxo”,
“as”: “AS174 Cogent Communications”,
“asname”: “COGENT-174”,
“mobile”: false,
“proxy”: true,
“hosting”: false
Seems to be a proxy. But could be inaccurate and he could actually be in the US.
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