My family member passed away and in canceling all their recurring charges, we found many fraudulent tech support charges, each $3000 and more, total damage $40,000+
I want vengeance on these people. Goal is to have someone infiltrate their systems, get more info, and halt their operations if possible
Frequency of scam payments: every 3 months, they send invoices by mail, also take money through PayPal, direct bank withdrawals, and credit card transactions
Lowest amount scammed by invoice: $4294
Highest amount scammed by invoice: $5394
This scam company charges ~$4000-$5000 for fake tech support each time.
We don’t know how our family member started talking to them. Probably cold call or popup. They talked to the scammers often by phone whenever they had an issue with their computer
Scammer Website (could be fake): streamillionaire.com OR streammillionaire.com
Phone number 1 (Stuart’s mobile): +1 239-299-3498
Phone number 2(toll-free): 1888-961-4412
Phone number 3 (toll-free): 1-888-985-6070 Robert William, Richard Moore
Phone number 4: 1-888-569-5118
Phone number 5: 1-866-290-7087
Phone number 6: 1-888-890-8149
Phone number 7 (Max Charaison): 430-616-4458
Phone number 8 (Robert Williams): 267-570-6756
Phone number 9 (Robojap Technologies LLC): 1-833-967-5050
Email 1: [email protected]
Email 2: [email protected]
Email 3: [email protected]
Email 4: [email protected]
Email 5: [email protected]
Email 6: [email protected]
Email 7: [email protected]
Email 8: [email protected]
Email 9: [email protected]
Address (printed in bank statements, definitely fake): 660 W Walnut Street Colby, KS 67701
Remote Software: TeamViewer, TeamViewer Host
“Trusted representative names”: Alice (recently quit), Sam, Frank, Robert, Steve
Alias 1: VT Sphinx
Alias 2: VT Support
Alias 3: Global Website Development Service - Stuart Martin
Alias 4: Global Website and Support Inc.
Alias 5: SB Infoweb LLC (on bank statements)
Alias 6: S B Enterprise
Alias 7: Robojap Technologies LLC
Scam product name: Digital Marketing Service (on invoice under “Items & Description”)
PO Box 972
2050 South BLVD
Bloomfield Hills
Michigan 48304-9998
fastsupport.com code:
352 368 563
Found a shortcut.url file that has the following (probably unfinished) code? This is the code below:
Scam company signature (on the bottom of printed invoices):
Thanks for your Business
“Global Website Development Service”
Stuart M. (appears on invoices above)
+1 239-299-3498
More information from an American Express activity transaction. Not sure if this number is another related detail or if it’s a PayPal number? A quick search has others suspecting it’s a fraud PayPal number
San Jose, CA 95131
PayPal Merchant Charge