Scam Number: 870-639-4498
Scammer’s Website or Email: [email protected]
Additional information about this scam:
Please be sure to write out important info so that our content is accessible to screen readers! Email body:
Bonjour angella,
Invoice Date: Monday, October 28, 2024
Your Invoice Details
Client: angella
Ordered Item: McAfee Total Protection for Data Loss Prevention
Support Duration: 5 years
Amount: USD 456.35
Payment Status: Confirmed
Customer ID: MMW-499-CO-5327
Just a heads-up: your subscription is renewing today, and the charge will be deducted automatically. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
For cancellation help, call +18706394498. We’ll be happy to assist. Thank you for your continued support!
Gratitude Once More,
McAfee, Inc… All rights reserved.
16061 Oakwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60611
Client Care Desk +1(870) 639-4498.
For the first time I am calling this 'phone number from my Text Me number. I got a one ring and the call ended/dropped.
From my Text Free number I am calling. A foreign guy, who by the way did NOT have the accent of a Frenchman speaking English, answered as McAfee Support answered. I asked him his name and he said Jason. I’ll play along for awhile for the fun of it.
Haha, and why did they not write the ending “Gratitude Once More” in French?
The “Gratitude Once More” is not a common way to end even when writing in English.
Hell, why not write all of it in French if you start with Bonjour?
Now I am harassing from my 3 different 'phone numbers and “Jason” keeps answering. On the most recent call, he said “I think you dialed the wrong number” despite the fact that I have been making it VERY CLEAR that I am insulting him for his criminal behavior.
I do hear when he answers what sounds like a woman speaking on a different call who is scamming.
Tried calling once, no response. Then all of my subsequent calls got that idiotic “sorry, but your call could not be completed” message, so I think he’s blocking by default now.