Dr. Pepper Car Wrap SCAM - (563) 277-0584

Scam Number: (563) 277-0584 (Bandwidth.com via Pinger)
Scammer’s Website or Email:

Additional information about this scam: The scammer sent a fraudulent group text to myself and 9 other recipients, falsely claiming I can earn $1,000 by driving around with a Dr. Pepper sticker on my vehicle. In order to do so, I have to fil out a Google form with my

  • Name
  • Home address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Bank information
  • Vehicle make and model

NEW NUMBER - ‪(281) 515-5192‬
Carrier: Presumed Canadian
Scammer Location: Presumed India :india:
Phonebot Deployed: Lenny

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NEW NUMBER - (719) 512-9421
Carrier: Onvoy Spectrum, LLC

NEW NUMBER - (402) 303-0587
Carrier: Verizon Wireless

The scammer asked for my physical address, but refused to “suppoat” when I asked for a “secure web portal.”

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