donation scam

@myjackcity#14016 I absolutely know how these scams work, I have been at this for years. My goal used to be the same as yours, to try and get these guys in trouble, but after hundreds of failed attempts I turned to trying to educate the victims on the scams instead. As for your comment on it not being about educating the victims that’s completely false in what I do, I do this to only to help victims, I don’t really have any hope that these scammers will be shit down that’s just not how it works. While I have had failed attempts at shutting scammers down my attempts to help victims have always been worthwhile. Obviously my point about stopping the scam before it stars is not getting across. The entire point of my comment was If we can get someone to google a number and find our site they won’t be scammed, different threads for each number increases the likelihood of that happening. People don’t want to scroll through dozens of numbers to find the one they searched for, that’s really the only reason I asked you to post it in a new thread.