Dirty Nigerian Scum +234 816 278 6584

+234 816 278 6584 (On WhatsApp)

Mouthy bastard. Hacked a good american friend of mine’s boyfriend. His nudes were unfortunately discovered and downloaded. Somehow, he also allegedly managed to salvage a video of her bf threatening a guy (unknown reason). He furthermore gained access to my friend (the girls) number, the bf’s mothers number too. He had a ransom, that she sadly paid, although I told her not to, of $200. He now wants a further $100 or else he’ll leak things. He’s threatening. He tried to get her to create a google voice account for an unknown reason and link it to the following gmail account: [email protected] and she so far has not complied with his current demands as I’ve told her not to. He seems to be, somewhat, patient. Can anyone help DESTROY this guy, in ANY way? Would be much appreciated.

I managed to get his advanced information from grabify, he was dumb enough to click on the link I had her not press as I told her what the link will do, but to forward directly to him and pretend the link contains access to what he wants. It redirected to youareanidiot.cc btw haha:

COUNTRY - Nigeria, Lagos
ORIENTATION - Portrait, Primary
TIMEZONE - Africa/Lagos GMT+1
USER TIME - Fri Sep 15 2023 10:13:49 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)
LANGUAGE - en, ng
SCREEN SIZE - 412 X 846
GPU - Adreno ™ 540
BROWSER - Samsung Browser (21.0)
DEVICE - Samsung Galaxy S8+
TOUCH SCREEN - Yes (5 Touch Points)
USER AGENT - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; SAMSUNG SM-G955U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/21.0 Chrome/110.0.5481.154 Mobile Safari/537.36
PLATFORM - Linux aarch64
ISP - Mtn Nigeria Communication limited


SOURCE: Free Carrier Lookup - Check Phone Numbers in Seconds

[I also have chat screenshots from her, I will request permission to publicly share those here so expect further information hopefully in the comments section.]

@scamterminator2021 @drwat @MajorLeeAwesome @Tillianne


I wish I could call him, but it’s international.

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I think your best bet is to report him to WhatsApp: WhatsApp kontaktieren

He should also be reported to Nigerian Cyber Police Division:



He send in one of the screenshots of the chat that it allegedly didn’t concern him the fact that this particular crime in Nigeria to be specific, can carry the Death Sentence etc. Ruthless son of a bitch! Waiting on a reply consenting me to publicly release those images. Just a matter of time.

He’s on WhatsApp! So, if you’ve got a VOIP USA number that you can freely link to WhatsApp, feel free to lol.

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I would need to DL WhatsApp. I don’t have it.

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then maybe you can do that :slight_smile:
I would say be careful with this guy, I have no idea of the full extent of his “hacking” capabilities and what other disgusting tricks he may be yet to play. I’ve also had permission from the victim to upload the current chat history she’s had on WhatsApp with this bitch. I will upload it later on.

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As long as he doesn’t have access to my PC and real information.

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I sent him an email and text saying the following: I have the information to have the FBI (American) come and arrest you or have your country come and arrest you which ever the FBI chooses, I have already filled out 100 different complaints just waiting to submit them. This is your last chance delete the hacked info or go to jail. I have the address for an Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, down to the exact room #, a Business Risk Management address, and an Internet Services Planning #, all of which I also have phone number for and can call and alert them of what you’ve done.

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Don’t worry I used international and told him to listen to me, he’s hacked which is illegal, scammed which is illegal, and that he can either delete all the info he’s hacked or I will call the FBI and have them arrest him, since he hacked an American.


I have international.

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