Scam Number: +1-855-(504)-2501
Domain Used:
Extra Info: Delta Airlines Scam Number
We are the consolidated with the Delta and make the reservations and such. Spoken in a thick accent which was barely understandable.
Add 850-970-0977 travel
Has YT videos please report
please remember to post evidence
Spirit Airlines 1-800-(351)-6976 customer
Travel Scam Numbers
@Niyati Welcome to the community
Told her I wanted a flight from Dallas to Kohima, Nagaland. I just had to be there for the cannibalism Festival. She was not amused. The next guy it went right over his head. He told me that I could bring my seeing eye dog but I had to leave it there. SSOORRY??
850-970-0977 back up!!! Flight reservations
Called one of the numbers and asked what airline this was and he called me a MFer for asking. Wow.
The last number you posted she said Consolidated TIckets then Global AIrlines then she said they were a travel agency called Flight Ticket Hub. They cannot make up their minds. Tried cancelling a flight and was told their server was down. How convienent. Next woman was magically able to cancel my non existent flight for a minimal fee of ten percent of the cost of flying to Kohima, Nagaland. which would be 900 bucks.
+1-877-(563)-0665 answers 5:30pm
They blocked me i think … Didnt change #
(877) 563-0665 wanted $150.00 to cancel my non-existent flight to Dallas-Fort Worth from Toronto. He even looked up my fake reservation number. When I called him out for being a scammer, he told me he wanted to F my mother, sister and then me.
I’m slamming the TF number and they are super triggered. LoL
They keep blocking me, I keep changing my number, repeat…
Dead End
No Answer at all.
I think its wrong number or they have changed it.
Travel Scam Phone Numbers
Well looks like your gonna have to dig a lot of information on those numbers they are gonna ask you to provide proof of these numbers. Had big problem in the past regarding this. Please provide info on these
1-877-324-2105 Airlines Scam Phone Number
1-800-351-6976 - worked, thicc accent. He’s my talked like my stepdad. LOL.