"Debt Resolution Bureau"

1 missed call from (888) 337-2575 so far, 6 minutes ago to be exact, at the time of publishing.

answering! straight up american scum at present.
@scamterminator2021 @OfclyGoodenough


came across these following webpages by just searching up the number in google:


Oh look, hitting a ton in one go, they must be.



“Thank you for calling the Debt Resolution Bureau and taking your first step towards financial freedom. One of our agents will be with you momentarily.”

The representative I spoke to confirmed that they are a subsidiary of Accurate Financial, which is listed on the Wall of Shame for calling as the “US Dept. of Economic Impact Assistance.”


Wasn’t there another topic I made, or posted to, with pictures of direct email communication I held with them where they claimed they were innocent and were actually having their name stolen, or something?

EDIT: "Indiana Financial Hardship Loan Centre" - (855) 933-0922 | IMPERSONATION
Check out the above attached link. @OfclyGoodenough

Wondering if I should write them another email and press them about their innocence claims perhaps? I figured there could’ve been something off, and this only solidifies it right now.


I missed a call and called back
Debt scammers will take over the debt and I pay them monthly


I think you should follow through, this is looking incredibly fishy.


I have called just now this number 3 times.

The 1st time, a woman answered with some short script and I insulted her for her criminal behavior. (The unsolicited telephone calls in and of themselves are breaking federal U.S. law.)
She asked me defiantly how I know that they are criminals. I laughed and said that we have all of the evidence. She had a slight foreign accent I think.
After a few minutes, she hung up.

On my 2nd call, a guy with a slight foreign accent answered with a short little script. I insulted him for his criminal behavior. He became defiant and angry. We went around and around for a few minutes before he finally hung up.

On my 3rd call, I think that same woman answered but ONLY WITH A VERY WARY “hello” and she hung up as soon as I started in on her.


(888) 337-2575 …

Haha! I just got a callback from this same number. He called me a “faggot” and is NOT happy with me it seems. After 3 minutes he is still on the call asking for me and cussing me. He just called me an “asshole” as I am typing now.

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Will do absolutely. Thanks for all your input (and to everyone else) so far! I will certainly share my draft email before submitting for a final revision together, as I always do, later on tonight hopefully.

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@Hviezdoslav @OfclyGoodenough I’m continuing to call and fuck em over.

A lady called “Chris” answered, she started asking how can I call them scammers after I called. I told her I called back anyways seeing as they called first, and I mentioned how it was in fact illegal for them to call me in the first place - referencing the TCPA, she hung up on me before I could also state how I was on the DNC, although they probably already know this. Prior, I told her to get a proper job and reminded her how she truly makes no money off this. :joy: :joy:


they gave me two missed calls whilst I was held up on another call with my latest post, different scammer.
when I tried calling back I got “number not in service”, they must’ve blocked me. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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now I’m calling them off my skype world unlimited 3 month free subscription, calls going through. I’m surely getting on their nerves now. putting it to good use. currently on hold music. :slight_smile:


“Alan” answered ^
told me to have a nice day when I started quizzing him like a journalist on his sinful actions and then he hung up on me. :rofl: :rofl: they are now being a bit slow to pick up but it’s impossible or at least near impossible for them to block me as my subscription comes with zero caller id, although it may show a cid just because as some scammers have openly told me when they tried to confirm my “number/callback”.

EDIT: I called back, “Alan” answered then chose to hang up once he heard me instantly.
EDIT 2: Both “Alan” & lady “Chris” are very unhappy.

I’m going on a mini ‘Strafing Run’ with these calls. :joy:

EDIT: “Chris” had the audacity to tell me to stop calling THEN call me a scammer somehow.
EDIT 2: Another person to answer, called himself “Ivan”

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The website they use is Debt Resolution Bureau – Bureau

Registered via SquareSpace on May 2, 2023 (Updated June 6, 2023) - Whois debtresolutionbureau.com

Associated Phone Numbers:

  • (888) 897-3114 - NUMBER NOT AVAILABLE
  • (877) 492-1960 - Picks up as “Atlas Financial”

Associated Email Address - [email protected]

Associated Physical Addresses:

Associated IP Addresses:


“Ivan” claims he’s being paid $20 an hour for this. :joy: :joy: @OfclyGoodenough I’ve been trolling him. @Hviezdoslav



These fools are still answering! Hey, @LordOfTheRings, fancy hitting them up? I’m sure they’d love a chat with you. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m 16 calls in from my Skype account this time, so far. They want my name, but they aren’t having it. They are very displeased with me by the sounds of things. :joy: @OfclyGoodenough @Hviezdoslav They don’t seem to want to answer my general interview questions of why they believe it’s acceptable to scam / call people unlawfully (citing the TCPA and DNC) :kissing_heart: I’m now a news correspondent totally. Baiting them with small (of course 100% lawful tho etc) trolls lol until they give up.


Here are two special links I came across scrolling the FTC’s website! :slight_smile:

@OfclyGoodenough @Hviezdoslav @drwat @scamterminator2021 @Tillianne


I have reported them, but they still keep calling me daily.


The carrier for this TN is called Ytel - small shitty company in California. I recommend reporting the violators to them here:

Ytel | Report a phone number

Since they appear complacent in enabling ILLEGAL robocallers (this number has been operational since 2015!), I recommend reporting them to the State of California. This can be done here:

File a Complaint (ca.gov)

CA is notoriously strict on such violations, so there is a considerable chance you may get a response. This will be a Public Safety Complaint section.

@MehNamesJeff @Jhawk @Tillianne