Debt collection–threatening legal action effective?

I saw this in the “feartoxin-scanner-nomorobo-thread” and called for fun.

Notify Javier Comparo, please press one to connect to the issuing office regarding the delivery of legal documents to 3000 Para Avenue, El Paso, TX. We’re calling ahead to ensure proper delivery so vital information about your claim isn’t missed. If you will not be available today, or if you need to make changes to the time, date or location of delivery, please contact the issuing firm at 855 667 0944 and reference case number 202-364-2191.

It seems this Javier person (who I sort of pretended to be) owes $3000 or so and the bank wants to sue him.

But digging more into it, basically it’s pay $3000 or get hit for a $8000 bill.

The debt is from 2002 so over 20 years ago. I’m guessing they aren’t going to get shit–so why bother I wonder. I spoke to someone (maybe?) pretending to be a lawyer for like 15 minutes. I asked why they thought they’d get $ after 20 years. It was like, pay now or get hit with legal action.

Anyway, pretty fascinating. I didn’t feel up to trolling them.

I really doubt for, say, under $10,000 they’d bother with legal action. Legal proceedings are expensive for them. But maybe someone here knows more about this.