DANGEROUS, PORNOGRAPHIC Tech Support Scam - (833) 239-0662

No link will be generated, as each popup has a unique hash ID. The popups are also designed to impersonate StripChat and will ask permission to lock and control your keyboard.

Carrier: Telcoline
Call Center Location: India :india:


This entire area has been alive with popup activity for months now and there is very few virgin real estate numbers left

Speaking of alive, I know a thing or two, actually three

8332390661 Microsoft Defender security center alert

8332390664 Microsoft Defender security center alert

8332390666 Microsoft Defender security center alert

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These numbers have remained active

8332390661 Microsoft Defender security center alert

8332390664 Microsoft Defender security center alert

8333290666 Microsoft Defender security center alert

They’ve just opened more numbers heading downwards into the only vacant real estate left in this area they haven’t already been active on over the last few months

The same pricks have had several other TciketMaster numbers in the next 100 block

8332390656 TicketMaster

8332390658 TicketMaster

8332390660 Microsoft Defender security center alert

I think 8333290666 might have been forwarded to an innocent business.

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Probably should make a TicketMaster thread.
There are dozens of these fools around the toll free traps

These are both the same call centre, as my name is Peter confirms

8332390656 TicketMaster

8332390658 TicketMaster

NEW NUMBER: (855) 534-5207
Carrier: Telcoline
Answers as: “Suppoat”
Technician: “Shawn”
Remote Access Software: UltraViewer (ID: 90028443/DESKTOP-UPJUHON)


(No screenshot will be provided as the site now displays the victim’s IP address, I found the site through a fraudulent ad on PornHub)

“Shawn” was too sleepy to provide “suppoat,” so I called back and got an incredibly-impatient bhenchod who wanted me to install UItraViewer, but was suddenly too deaf to provide “suppoat.”

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NEW NUMBER: (877) 906-7054
Carrier: Telcoline
Call Center Location: India :india:
Answers as: "“Customer Suppoat”
Technician: “this side David Smith”
Falsely Claims: “Attempt of Hacking”
Remote Access Software: UltraViewer (Nickname: “Secure Server of Microsoft”, ID: 99442109/Microsoft Server)


This was another fake popup that originated from a PornHub ad. Once remotely connected to my virtual machine, “this side David” immediately asked me to run the “dir/s” command in the Command Prompt so he can falsely claim my IP was hacked.

  • I was then asked to hang up the call so I can accept a callback from his personal Onvoy line (425) 988-5929, which he dubbed the “secure line” and then asked me to run the “netstat” command before the call suddenly dropped as he was too impatient to provide “suppoat”
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NEW NUMBER: (855) 534-5983
Carrier: Telcoline
Dialer used: ViciDial
Hold Music: Scammistani National Anthem
Status: Blocks calls from non-mobile numbers.
Call Center Location: India :india:
Answers as: “Suppoat,” “Help” “Microsoft” or "Windows Technical Helpline*
Technicians: “this side David,” “this side Justin,” “Ron”
Falsely Claims: “Attempt of Hacking”’
Remote Access Software: UltraViewer (Nickname: “Certain Microsoft Temporary Securities”/“Microsoft Secure Server,” ID: 105119866/DESKTOP-CABM0AC)


Another fake popup that originated from a PornHub ad that I reported. Once he remotely connected to my virtual machine, I was asked to run the “netstat” command before he became too invasive to provide “suppoat.”

  • Since I was asked to hang up the line, I flooded their lines with conference calls.

NEW NUMBER: (866) 450-5010
Carrier: Digitorzo
Call Center Location: India :india:
Answers as: “Technical Suppoat” or “Microsoft”
Technician: “this side Alex”
Falsely Claims: “Attempt of Hacking”

“this side Alex” is too deaf to provide “suppoat.”

NEW NUMBER: (877) 337-1795
Carrier: Digitorzo
Call Center Location: India :india:
Answers as: “Microsoft help”
Technician: “Jack”

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Very active chods,

These guys don’t like being axed “If there mom still lives in Sonagachi in Picnic Gardens?”.

Update: 877-337-1795 sounds like it’s gone!!!….