“Hi, good afternoon. My name is Courtney and I am calling from Client Services with antidebt.org. Our records are showing that your credit card debt is extremely high, which is causing your interest rates to be extremely high as well. We would like to speak with you as soon as possible in order to assist you in lowering your interest rates and possibly even eliminating your existing credit card debt. You can reach me or any of my colleagues at 920-471-0500. Again, that number is 920-471-0500. It is very urgent that you call us, so please call us at your earliest convenience. Thank you and have a wonderful day. We will speak with you soon. Bye for now”
Calls will be picked up by “Client Account Services/Credit Card Serices,” an Indian call center calling about how to “reduce the interest rates” of your credit card because you “paid your bills on time.” Scammers will ask how many credit cards you have or how much you owe on your card, then ask for your ZIP code, the specific details about your credit card and the bank your card was issued to.
They will transfer your call to one of their “senior financial advisors,” Daniel Lee, who will ask how much interest you have to pay on your card and claim that they work will “all Financial lenders.” Afterwards, they will take you back to the representative who will perform an “audit” of your card then hang up.