"Comet Promotion Services" SCAM

Popup - Discord

OWNER: comet.eth#0001 (UID: 735885385699426306)

Associated Crypto Wallets:
BTC : bc1q59mssa6uj7la73eqmchqqft2htcywxhqg5wvx3
ETH : 0x6361a3FF59a71A4B85c2ec8B1A87C4e23c567eAb
SOL : 26KSHqvdWsLrJPwqjTwrssBw1XWWZJmdmE6aQzBQGSLG
LTC : LawxSAKaBTSHhp5CjHnUSgxWq7kttziS7N

Server is dedicated to promoting their customer’s NFTs through the means of DMs from compromised accounts like the one featured above. A free trial of 1,000 DMs is offered, with additional DMs costing anywhere from $410 to $3,900.