CloudFlare + ConnectWise => Report phishing

So some Scammers seem to “hide” their sites behind CloudFlare. I’ve seen this a number of times. The sites are obfuscated using JavaScript and other tools in such a way it makes it difficult to flood requests at the back-end.

I reported the other day and it was marked as a Phising site. So it seems worthwhile IF the ConnectWise site is connected to CloudFlare.

Feel free to submit reports to:

You can tell if it’s a CloudFlare fronted site when it is loading OR by checking the HTTP headers (using Web Developer Tools.)

When clicking on the green arrow, you should see in the response “server: cloudflare” or something similar:

Recent Update:

The past week or so, many connect wise sites ( or seem to be fronted by CloudFlare proxy tools that prevent the automated flooding of their client software.

I’ve reported a number of sites (e.g. or or and either they have been taken down by the user or CloudFlare or the back-end provider. I’m not sure if it’s CloudFlare or just the usual cycling of sites scammers perform.

Unfortunately sites like: are still up at the moment.