Canadian Pharmacy Scam - 888-682-1109, 855-206-1929, 888-243-7406

@scamterminator2021 The Postal Inspection Service along with Customs seize counterfeits at the ports or they follow the shipments to the importer. Regional hub employees are trained to look for illegal items. The verification and seizing will be done by USPS Inspectors and/or Customs Officers. Most USPS employees will keep an eye out but are required to report it and not interfere.


Thank you for sharing. So, yeah, it is extremely unlikely that these foreign scammers can ship any prescription medications into the US, especially if they are fake meds sent without any prescription.


I should call that guy back and ask him if he thinks it might have been seized, lol


Also give him a 1-800 number to the Office of the USPS Inspector General. Ask him if he can call them lol.


I have seen illegal drugs traced all the way to the person that opened the door at delivery. I know that they were arrested because I delivered their Express mail of contraband. I saw the USPS inspectors and local Police raid the home soon after (rental home). I have seen Political 'PAC’s send up to 50+ pieces of bulk business mail per day to one home, begging a senior to send them money because of every excuse imaginable. I do know that some of these ‘Pharmacies’ send medicine in white plastic bags marked as candy, clothes, small toys and small pieces. Those may make it through because they are sent out in such a deceiving manner but the authorities catch on quick. I will admit that I know of one young adult that got mescaline cactus delivered to his home by me. I winked and told him to be careful and not to ‘trip’ down his stairs. Yes, I let many minor things slide because people are human and some laws are just stupid. I even stood on the porch of an old hippie for my break as he smoked a joint and we chatted. I wasn’t required to be the law or report nonsense as I delivered the mail.


if anybody wants to report them
let them take action
drug enforcement office


I know some things slip through. Won’t say how I know that, lol


Anything through the mail will be US Postal Inspection Service and DEA if required. The US Inspectors will always take priority because they have jurisdiction, as nearly every business and home gets mail. This is why I tell people if it came through the mail, call the Inspectors and let them know because there may already be an investigation going on and interfering may cause issues.


There is still a load of utter bullshit out there on websites these arseclowns have set up and left to collect dust

The full blown fraudulent Canadian pharmacy website they had which I posted along with a truckload of other fake pharma websites and associated numbers a few months ago has been nuked.

The remnants will always remain as nothing can ever be deleted from history on the internet
The website was their phone number which they have been using for this exact fake pill without prescription scam since around late 2016 just for info. There are several instances with people saying they’ve reported the number to all and sundry, including the useless toothless tiger waste of time and money FCC & FTC as far back as February 2017. They once again have done a stellar job at ignoring all email communication, fraud reports as well as evidence of crime sent to them. I refuse to waste my time with them any more after they’ve taken absolutely no action, giving zero fucks about fraud, which they are extremely adept and proficient at.
Talking crap and trying to convince people the collective IQ of the board is above child shoe size is what they excel at but fall miserably short of the intelligence above that of an amoeba laying on its back at the bottom of a festering cesspool trying to get a suntan.
One of the most useless bloated government bureaucracies in existence, which screams out for defunding and closing down, or getting some actual talent and ability in a sweeping change through the entire operation. (nuked)

They do have load of crap Wordpress websites which have total crap on them, the funniest is the template Latin phrases and the same example customer testimony for the fake scrolling names complete with thumbnail stock photos

Hilarious stuff since their proud opening in 2023

Yet their first blog post entry was a whole year before they opened for business and so cleverly left the stock Latin twaddle on the page :joy::joy:

which translates to such words of wisdom everyone can take something away from to make their daily life so much better

“Or until and hate the eros. To-morrow we shall live to adorn the bow of the god, and to drink the bow of the fire to be sad. He now needs either a quiver or a spear. Heavy bow and tortor dignissim. A backyard lawn but for that. I don’t really need cartoons or basketball. Tellus mauris a diam maecenas but for A boat ride but a smile. That is the magic of life wisdom. It’s sad and he needs someone. There is no boat in the port, but there is a sad smile. Ferment and care and treatment. It should be an airline that does not need to be sick.”

WOW…I feel empowered with inner strength!!

That and much more fake health and beauty crap, as well as their toll free number are here

They also have this now defunct website with yet another fake address in a different state than the other beauty products and yoga crap

Their number is always prominent having been used for so many years


This scammer is desperate for a payday. Just called me back, wanting to give me deals so I can try them out.


Nice! He is a very slick MF POS! Keep wasting his time!

You should post the recordings of your conversations with him here, too, if you do not mind!


I usually don’t post them here because I know scammers are lurking.


Understandable. No problem.


Put this in Google Translate and play it back to him if your set up is able to:

Kainin mo titi mo gago ulol. Putang ina mo.


By the way, these scammers are still active. They won’t ever stop, and our authorities don’t do much (as usual)!


I would appreciate everyone’s help reporting these scammers here:

Selling meds without prescription is a serious crime.


I’m reporting them now.


Thank you. DEA also welcomes information of this sort.


888-682-1109 is still active. They are still selling RX meds without any prescription. It is an obvious scam.

@MehNamesJeff @drwat @Jhawk @MajorLeeAwesome @MehNamesJeff @CatMan @T-REX


They are still scamming as of this morning… Ugh.