BoA that turns into SSA (877) 414-1098

Scam Number: (877) 414-1098
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam: Active…BoA that turns into SSA…found on reddit

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Already listed by Sandbar a few hours ago

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Sorry, did a search and nothing came back

This is that ridiculous notion that numbers such as this one for instance somehow can be any of the following. A phone only dials numerical digits, not (+) symbols or parenthesis brackets and dashes

+1- (877) 414-1098
+1 877-414-1098
{877} 414 1098
[877] 414 1098

this should be the standard ,which every single phone on the planet dials this and this only


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I was taught and have been using this format for years to search

(877) 414-1098

If this is wrong then will need to change

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on hold music

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Happened to me yesterday too, and today doing a search of some number formats only brings up the latest post from @dont_just_standthere
It’s very odd.


that is the accepted standard strange as it is
but a phone doesn’t have (brackets) or dashes on it for inputting numbers
very strange how we start adding all sorts of things

there are some numbers listed on this site by different people such as this


Sol, I was taught years ago by 2 very well known people in the scam baiting community to use the format I use for searching and reporting…never had issue before

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Me too, I never had issues with me posting duplicates until just a few days ago. I thought I was losing it :joy:

Maybe I am losing it!

Biggus, we don’t dial with the symbals but the phones show numbers with symbals, spaces and dashes


My databases have over 250,000 numbers which have been or are currently used for scams
I only ever enter them into it as a straight numerical number, which can never be duplicated or mistaken
When I enter any number into my own developed dialer and systems it converts it from whatever format and rejects all the extras, except for commas, which in every dialer will put a delay into dialing the next digit

If I enter this for example

8774141098,1 (if it has a press 1 option) it will wait 3 seconds before dialing the 1
If I enter this
8774141098, , , (5 commas),1 it will wait 15 seconds before attempting to dial the 1

I just put this into my microsip and it worked just fine, waited the proper amount of seconds than dialed 1

(877) 414-1098,1

Lucknow city IP … talking now

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HAHAHAHA…TextNow isn’t a real dialer.
It’s more of a cheap nasty joke played on people who want things for free.
You get what you pay for in life. If you want free, you get exactly that…free and 9/10th’s useless.

The grifting experts with channels and social media platforms aplenty, never want to pay for a single thing, while grifting every possible dollar they can from the backs of innocent victims.
My dialer will dial and purposely target 5 numbers successfully before that TextNow joke had even thought of completing the first call

Almost every idiot scammer and side show circus clown call centre, uses a pirated cracked version of eyeBeam lite, that is just as slow and useless in comparison.
I have every commercially available or freeware dialer there is in existence.
None of them come close to what my own dialer is capable of doing
I can assign hotkeys to any of the buttons, insert code, insert sound files, make one call with the push of a button, or go into apeshit mode and it will dial the number with blindingly rapid succession.
The possibilities are endless.
It’s all done extremely quickly, with minimal user input to gain every possible amount of useable data.
I’ve been doing this longer than anyone else has. I knew after the first few days that it is impossible to waste a scammers time.
Repeating it ad nauseum to every low wattage lightbulb who bumbles along will never make it true.
It amuses me how many slow specimens believe it to be the gospel truth.
Quite adorable really

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Biggus, your right…read my last post using microsip


MicroSip isn’t bad at all.
I based a lot of my own design on it.
My search system uses a highly modified version of it which automates things with lightning speed within a predetermined set of parameters, including start and endpoints.
Around 2 million manual or self dictated calls every year just to find these thieving pricks, then countless millions of calls in the blink of an eye to take out what no-one else even knew what was there before a single victim even thought of dialing them.
Meanwhile countless have, or will possibly still fall victim, while that super skilled time wasting lying competition championship bout is underway.
Giggling like a seriously drug addled lunatic when they finally hang up astounds me.
Once the mandatory soundboard or swearing match has reached it’s predictably ridiculous climax, they’ll hopefully still be there for part 2 tomorrow.
No they wont…not if I find them they won’t be