Popup - https://bnbeecraft.com/
Registered via NameCheap on December 30, 2021 - Whois bnbeecraft.com
Associated Discord Server - http://dsc.gg/bnbeecraft
John BNBee Craft#8648 (UID: 522356782098546689
Associated Telegram Servers:
Global: Telegram: Contact @bnbeecraft
English: Telegram: Contact @bnbeecraft_en
Russian: Telegram: Contact @bnbeecraft_ru
Associated Twitter Account - BNBee Craft — Play2Earn:honey_pot: (@BNBeeCraft) / Twitter
In order to participate, users are required to join their Discord, follow them on Twitter, quote retweet their pinned tweet with 3 friends tagged, and fill out their Application Form. This is pretty much a ponzi scheme in the making.