Bank of America Bhenchodes - 831-920-0391

Scam Number: 831-920-0391
Additional information about this scam:


They do answer sometimes.
Bank, DEA, FTC, courthouse
Sophia, David Hauffman badge DC2234079
call back (323) 955-3229


They haven’t answered any of my calls. I guess that they are busy with other important matters, like Scambaiters calling. I posted this and let the professionals have a chance to investigate before I get any further involved because they are impersonating a bank. This type of scam can wipe out an elderly or uninformed persons account balances. I still believe that information, pictures, addresses, real names of scammer, etc, should be sent to the Mosques, Churches, Temples and any other religious organizations in the area of the scammers ‘work’ location and home town/city. The same information sent to the Police often does nothing as the Police are paid off. Imagine the damage if the religious leaders see that members of their "flock’ are committing crimes? Imagine their family and neighbors finding out this way that their member is destroying peoples lives. We may put a huge dent in the scam business because those dirty Police go to the same places to worship. This would do damage to the scammers at a level the authorities could never touch. **I want to add this for the newer scambaiters: Never call a scam number, email or text that comes to your home/cell phone if you or a member of your family uses that service! Post the all of the information and let others handle it.


Level 3 via Skype

1 Like

831 920 0391 david confirmed my order ID number but refuse to confirm if he lets boyfriend take him north, or he takes him north, the way his high pitch tone voice sounds that he is possible one being stabbed.


Callback 480-525-1153 (323) 955-3229


we have been harassing them hard (not flooding). Pretty sure they shut off the number.