Avast tech support scammer number

They have this site http:/www.supportadv.com

Make sure you have avast on your virtual machine

Number is 1-855-661-6680

They will ask you to go to fixme.it for the support connection thing

I called them and I said that my name was Mike Hunt and ended the call right after.

They will see your ip so they can see where you are at calling from so if you want them to not know you better turn on a vpn or something.

Good luck

Blocked by Malwarebytes.



Additional numbers: 08006525088 (UK), 1800757069 (Australia). They appear to have a live chat as well on the site

@iCe#11229 This chat didnt reply to anything and I waited 5 minutes

If you don’t trust the website run it on a vm lol.

@Trizocbs#11237 Typical with most scam sites lol.

@thunder#11225 my router blocked it too

@Trizocbs#11237 probably coz the person manning the live chat is too busy scamming someone. Typically it’s only one person so…

if i might ask, what could a scammer do with your IP…I call on my Phone using FIRE RTC, because my mic is broken on my pc…so i’m guessing they would see my IP…

@8BitBaiter#11267 they see a random phone number.

@1337mathster#11268 So they can’t see my IP?

@8BitBaiter#11271 Nope

@Flame#11277 Thank you, and thanks 1337mathster