Avast antivirus Scam

Scam Number: 888 364 0281
Scammer’s Website or Email: AVAST Ultimate Suite 1 User 3 Year – Cyber Quick Deals
Additional information about this scam: Antivirus support scam

Domain host GoDaddy
Domain IP: :us:
Scammer Email: [email protected]
Carrier: Inteliquent
Dialer Used: ViciDial
Calls also answered via: Skype
Call Center Location: India :india:
Answers as: “Customer Services,” “AVG” or “PC Suppoat”
Technicians: “David” and “Adam Parson”
Remote Access Software: support.me (Code: 661063)

“David” refused to “suppoat” after answering as “AVG,” so I called back and “Adam” asked me to use support.me. Once remotely connected to my virtual machine, the scammer wanted me to log into my nonexistent Avast account.

  • After speaking with “the my department,” “Adam” opened the Event Viewer so he can falsely claim the warnings and errors were caused by “hackers,” so he wanted to “clean my computer” for $199.99.
  • I was never asked to pay, as “Adam” told me to take my computer to a local technician.

The “Cyber Quick Deals Company” falsely claims to operate from an apartment building in Auburn, California.

8883640281 Still Active Josh Wednesday 1-22-25 8:44PM EST (ViciDial)

8883640281 Still Active David Tuesday 1-28-25 8;59AM EST

8883640281 Still Active

8883640281 Still Active

8883640281 Still Active (ViciDial)

8883640281 Still Active Justin

8883640281 Still Active (ViciDial)