Auto parts 855-919-6381

I’ve been watching these pricks active again on this one of the original 492 toll free numbers I discovered them on a couple of years ago.
They have been using random numbers since but they seem to be liking this one recently

It’s time everyone knew about it to give them a few thousands costly toll free calls

We’ve hit them with several million calls over the last couple of years…they like it… a lot!! :joy:
They were so flustered getting hit left right and center, they would leave a lot of their toll free numbers activated overnight or left open line calls for 12 hours + overnight. :grin:

8559196381 / 855-919-6381 Auto parts

Number is ringing busy for me now mate.

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Yep, they’ve shut it down
They’ll open up one of the other almost 500 of them and foolishly think I can’t find them. :grin:

They went from a rowdy shithole first thing this morning

To absolutely deadarooski…just the way I like it!! :+1:

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