On December 20, 2024, Sandeep Kapil, Gabriela Gomez and Kim Sallen filed a class action lawsuit against Apple on the grounds that they “authorized and maintained malicious applications in its ‘App Store’ that allowed the theft of personal financial assets while representing that apps on the App Store had been vetted and reviewed by Apple and were safe and secure.” The lawsuit comes after:
- Kapil was tricked into investing $1,236 in “Digicoins” before his account was frozen.
- Gomez was tricked into investing in “DigiCoins” and was asked to pay over $10,000 in “taxes” to withdraw the funds from her “SolLuna” account.
- Sallen was tricked into investing in “DigiCoins” and was asked to pay over $79,000 to “Forex5,” which is listed on TrustPilot as operating from Montenegro and https://www.sec.gov/enforcement-litigation/public-alerts-unregistered-soliciting-entities/forex5
Apple has been accused of violating California’s Unfair Competition Law and California’s Consumers Legal Remedies Act. All 3 pig butchering apps appear to have since been taken offline.