Apple PayPal $361.83 (815) 449-3417

Scam Number: (815) 449-3417
Scammer’s Website or Email: text
Additional information about this scam:
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Mark Wills
Kevin Smith FTC officer
money laundry

Carrier: Onvoy (815), spoofed Verizon (857)
Call Center Location: India :india:
Answers as: “Apple”
Case Number: 376681SC
Falsely Claims: Charge made from Birmingham, Alabama, additional pending charges for Bitcoin from LibertyX.

After claiming to put a hold on the 3 charges and issuing complaints with my fake bank and the fraud prevention team, the call was transferred to a separate bhenchod who claimed my fake account was accessed from Alabama, Hawaii and New Mexico, and that there was additional charges for $2,499 and $2,999 under my fake bank.

  • In order to “cancel” the charges, I was asked to go to an AllPoint ATM from a nearby CVS Pharmacy
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