AOL Email Exchange For 8 | "Upgrade Now" Scam



“Upgrade Now” ‘Referral’ Link →
GUTE-URLS - Link preview - URL Preview Box

Hopefully this will scare him a little lol.

Is it even possible to still be using IE 8 these days? :rofl:

I wouldn’t respond to the “sending address” in these cases, it’s almost certainly forged - especially since it’s an AOL address but the sending ip is registered to Yahoo.

I’d do an nslookup on the “Upgrade Now” URL to get the hosting ip address and report the page to the hosting company.

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It’s a Yahoo IP address, FYI, it isn’t the scammers, they won’t be scared. Plus the link for it doesn’t go there, are you sure this is a scam other than the sus email.

Absolutely a scam, but the only thing worth looking at is the link that “update now” goes to. It 404s when I try to access it, so either the scam has been shut down or they took it down themselves.

I’d assume this was a standard phishing attempt, most likely the site would have asked for a name and password to perform the upgrade and they would then try to use those credentials to access other sites.

AOL got bought out by Verizon who owns Yahoo (they also bought that out) FYI

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