Anyone know any BobRTC Staff that I could contact? (Highly Important)

I asked in discord & I understand the service may have been shut down but I am curious if the old staff is still roaming about as I know Discord is unlikely to pickup traction due to a variety of reasons.

It’s rather important and In regards to a Criminal Investigation. I Have not been active here as much as I’d of desired to be. I’ve been busting up different forms of cyber crime over the past 2 years and made Twitter my new home after being banned over 90+ times from Discord. Now, this being said I’d like to personally ask BobRTC or anyone who can plug me into their DMs for a solid reason.

This has nothing to do with fraud or scamming and this isn’t a Financial Crime but it is a “Violent Crime” I’ll leave it there. If anyone wouldn’t mind contacting me you can DM me on Twitter: D4RKR4BB1T47 or on Telegram: EVILRABBIT47

Thanks, Pavel.

(Also, I am aware GDPR maybe an issue… but I’m sure we can work around it).