Americor, TCPA-violating loan scammers DBA "Credit 9/Hardship Relief Program."

“Thank you for calling U.S Credit Bureau. Your call is very important to us, if you know your party’s extension, enter it at any time. For credit services please press 1, For debt services please press 2, For customer service please press 3, To use our dial by name directory please press 4”.

If you don’t press anything, the bot will say “Invalid Input, please try again.” and the opening message with the options will just loop - This will happen 3 times maximum. After, it’ll loop the greeting for one last time before, without any input from the caller again, the bot will say “No valid input detected, please hold while we connect you with a representative”. The phone will ring… American guy called “Sam” answered for me. But, if no answer, there is a voicemail box set up → “Thank you for calling U.S Credit Bureau Customer Service, please leave a message and we’ll return your call as soon as possible”.