Airline/Charity/Legal Scammer - +1 845-866-6022

Scam Number: (845)-766-6022 (SCAM NUMBER) / (929-521-4957)
Scammer’s Website or Email: [email protected]
Additional information about this scam:
When the number is called gives you options for airline tickets, charity or legal services. I chose airline.
Collects info from you and then tries to charge card.

When the fake card I provided didn’t work he asked about using zelle.
This is the information he provided

zelle payments
[email protected]
Dmitry Rozin

Number was active as of 4/30/2023

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Answered as travel agent. Callback (718) 785-0458 Johnson Brown

Extremely old and well known number which is listed in many threads

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Correct. I was unable to find those other threads. May have been the lack of sleep so I created a new one since it was also a very recent update.

Additional information that I found:
City: India, Faridabad
IP Address:

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Faridabad is in outskirts of New Delhi

Overheard “Where is my ticket, where is my money?”