"Air Duct Cleaning Service" - (412) 754-3810

Scam Number: (412) 754-3810 (Twilio)
Email Address: [email protected]
Call Center Location: Presumed Overseas
Answers as: “Air Duct Cleaning Service”
Technician: “Mark”
Falsely Claims: Local Cleaning Service

The scammer was caught hacking Facebook accounts to promote their fraudulent “duct cleaning service.” The technician I spoke to, “Mark,” falsely claimed to be working for a local cleaning agency and refused to “suppoat” as they don’t service my fake ZIP code.


NEW NUMBER: (585) 540-1110
Carrier: Twilio with SMS and MMS enabled.
Call Center Location: Presumed overseas

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I need to start logging the multitude of numbers I come across with this sort of crap, as well as roofing, solar panels and gutter cleaning services.
They’re scattered everywhere amongst targeted scams I go after every day.
Another thing on the rise is time share gutter trollops with various scripts all to sign cashed up feeble minded people for the all expenses paid luxury resort seminars for the high pressure sign on the dotted line or else sales pitch to non existing timeshare ownerships. They take people for billions every year.

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NEW NUMBER: (585) 684-7872
Carrier: Twilio with SMS and MMS enabled.
Call Center Location: Presumed overseas
Answers as: “Local cleaning service”

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