Filipino scammers, called me yesterday to tell me that my phone number was picked at random and I won a $250 gift card.
Of course they want my name, my address, my credit card number, CVV, etc.
They called another number of mine today, and after I called them out as being scammers, the dude went on a profanity laced rant, and they have called me back several times just to yell, curse and threaten my life.
I thought it may sound like a good time for you.
I must have hit a nerve because this guy has called me at least a dozen times to curse and threaten.
I’m sure they’d love to hear from you and your adorable sidekick!
Get this! I tried to get him to take AMEX because I have a burner gift card with $5 on it, but he said no. He wanted my dog’s CC number! The CC that I told him was for emergency Vet care! He kept trying too! Scumbags will even steal from a dog!