"Activation Department" Vehicle extended warranty scam 254-335-5185

I was ripping through this North American numbering plan real estate and crashed into these bullshit artists.

This was the very first call when my dialer raced through the neighborhood to their number in the block list
The story he starts to tell is priceless before he realizes he has absolutely no idea who I am or what sort of vehicle I own, which they no doubt have an extended warranty contract for.

The moment he realizes he has no clue to who or what he’s talking about the two thousand and something or other model vehicle, he steps back to the safe ground fall back position and resorted to… err…well we sell extended warranties for vehicles OK

2543355185 Extended vehicle warranty

The things I hear every day pouring from the wide open soup coolers, brain cell neutral utter simpleton clowns amuses me.

They must pay for their lack of intelligence and poor life choices

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