Account not accepted won’t accept my account, despite registering at the correct day and time. My internet connection is not shared, and my email address is not a scammer address. I’m using Windows 10 which is automatically activated as it’s prebuilt.

This is what it always say for me:

Account not accepted

We’re sorry, but our screening process determined that the information you provided has flagged your account as a risk. We don’t accept new accounts under many conditions, but these are some of the common ones that might prevent you from creating an account with us.

  • Registration is only open from 7am to 8pm EST/EDT Monday through Friday.
  • Your email address is similar to a known scammer email address.
  • If you are using a shared Internet connection, another person at the same IP address as the one you are using has not completed a registration.
  • If you are using Windows, you might have been using a Windows license key that was not purchased from Microsoft or a licensed OEM.

Hope is not lost. We are still accepting new account requests, but yours didn’t pass the smell test. You are welcome to submit another request to us.

Email them, there’s no proper support here. is NOT affiliated with in any way, shape or form last time I checked. Also, I’ve heard it’s going to be shutting down soon anyways.

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