Absolute Health Agents, LLC, American insurance scammers DBA the "Major Health Enrollment Center"

Here is my impression of the aforementioned Filipino “Eric” with “Eliza Davis US”. I wonder which one is who… I think Eliza must be a “gal” on the right, whereas Eric is perhaps a fellow on the left… Who knows their Filipino scamming ways.

Eliza, baby, if you are reading this and are in Manila, could you PLEASE help me connect to the one and only love of my life - Bella? I miss her squeaky granny voice and her elaborate scams with selling fake viagra and cialis!


I didn’t see all this yesterday.
They have another active number with identical menu 4 digits down

8774150535 Major Health enrollment center

8774150531 Major Health enrollment center :rewind:(this one)


@LordOfTheRings - do you think these are the same people as the ones I’ve been dealing with here? The behavior and scheme seem very similar!

More Medicare Scammers! Probably, Sansom/Merkavoix Again - Scams - Scammer Info


I was thinking the same thing overnight when I saw this thread

There is that many Medicare/health insurance scams at the moment


No kidding! I’ve been reviewing known cases that FBI and DOJ have opened in the last 6 months and filed this summer. There are hundreds of them, and many defrauded the system for anywhere from $50 million to astounding $600 million! There are also thousands of senior citizens’ identities stolen…

The most infuriating part is that most of the criminals at the top of these schemes appear to be US doctors, nurses and sales/marketing execs. They are running entire fraudulent “empires” and use foreign criminals in the Philippines, India and Pakistan to gather information from US senior citizens. They then bill Medicare fraudulently and share some profits with their foreign criminal “allies”. So, it is very much a well-oiled machine of fraud and harassment. Mind you, these are just major cases filed. I bet, FBI and DOJ may not even bother with small cases that defraud the public out of, say, $500K or $1 million…

Speaking of foreign criminals operating within such dark networks, they seem to also generate additional income from selling stolen identities of Medicare and Medicaid recipients on the Dark Web… Can you imagine how many elderly and disabled people commit suicide every year due to this? I bet, it is thousands, if not tens of thousands!

All that, while some nasty sleazy “Medicare Marketing Gurus” in the US are laughing in everyone’s face and collecting hundreds of million of dollars! And then, you have some Filipino criminals making millions off stolen identities on top of it! SICK. :rage: :rage: :rage:

@Tillianne @Jhawk @MajorLeeAwesome @JusticeinTexas @MehNamesJeff @CatMan


Here are some cases for just few months of 2024… There are many more for last year, and they are growing every single year!

Criminal Division | Case Summaries (justice.gov)

Criminal Division | Court Documents (justice.gov)

And YET, our lovely and beautiful government refuses to hold India, Pakistan and the Philippines accountable for the never-ending proliferation of highly lucrative fraudulent schemes as well as bullying and harassment of the US public! Were it not for their criminal elements escaping the US justice, there would have not been an easy way to defraud the general public here. It all starts with these foreign elements and then gets progressively worse from there!


The American citizen is used to supplement foreign economies. Our politicians are too corrupt to do anything beyond insiders trading and profiteering.


This is very true. The most disturbing part is that we, the people, do not get anything from supplementing said foreigners. Not only that, but many of them end up moving here to start their fraudulent schemes at a whole other level domestically.

Naturally, it would be more logical and beneficial for the US to grow trade and foster relations with economically developed traditional US allies (e.g., the UK, EU, Australia etc) instead of questionable hoodlums and schemers of the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia. Well, stupid and naive me, logic rarely applies to politicians!


@scamterminator2021 I would just like to add something quickly!

I’m going to UNIVERSITY SOON (First Year) - TO STUDY LAW! It’s a 4 year course (year 1 is just a foundation year, basic stuff, then the following 3 years would be the actual course) :tada:

Who knows? Perhaps I’ll end up moving to the U.S in the future, assuming all goes well - and I’ll be able to represent your cases! I got my unconditional offer recently. Time to seriously put those fuckwits to sleep real soon! :raised_hands:


This is absolutely wonderful! I support you in your important and exciting journey! We need more people like you, sir, all over the world.

I am hopeful that we will have more diligent, bright and educated young folks like you frighting for the cause very soon! This immense greed, complicity, inaction and corruption WILL come to an end. Keep it up and please help raise awareness and educate people on the evil nastiness of telecom!


Much appreciated! I’m on the verge of a hat-trick of pathways too!

A little educational background from me:

For my GCSES (the USA equivalent is reportedly a ‘High School Diploma / GED Credential’), most notably out of all my options that I did - one of them was Business, of course, I passed! Now for both years at College, which I’ve just completed (duhh LOL) and as I’ve stated before on this forum particularly under the car part scam posts, I’ve been training to be a car mechanic - passed both years/levels of course! Now, for Uni, I appear to have ended up onto Law.

Wonderful. What can’t I do? I suppose I’m dipping my toes all over the educational options for starters and trying to unlock as many career opportunities as possible, rather than sitting on my ass all day doing nothing! I really do want to create something out of my life.

I suppose this also now means, I’ll be stepping down from scammer.info, or at least in some way, what I’ll be doing here will be clearly heavily scaled back/reduced - depending on how tight my Uni Schedule gets over these next 3-4 years… which I anticipate at least in advance, to be quite strict. We shall see actually… It’s been a pleasure y’all regardless!

I will keep you all updated. Who knows? Hopefully by 2030, I’d have eradicated as many of those shady companies, even if it means single-handedly! Fuck them. I’m coming after them all.


This is quite the journey, my friend! I know you will do great and will be very successful! Keep it up!


Much appreciated! At least I’d be actively trying to deliver - Unlike these useless capitalist bastard governments across the globe!

Our PM (“Prime Minister”) aka in the states known as The President / POTUS has recently retracted the winter fuel payment aimed towards AOP’s [Old Pensioners on around £13,000 a year or less) to help them with the bills particularly for the heating used etc. He is a piece of shit, he slandered out old PM and attacked him during PMQ’S (“Prime Ministers Questions”) and other meetings for trying to do the same and said to the people he wouldn’t do it!

He’s now also claiming no more money for our NHS without so called “reform” etc. And almost immediately after, his cabinet has just announced a whole £600MILLION in Aid to Ukraine to fight the Russians! Don’t get me wrong, I side with Ukraine here, of course I do.

But that’s royally taking the PISS! It is disgusting. Whilst he sits there and does shit like this, previously attacking the former for trying the same, he then, after following through, announces a whole £600m in aid to Ukraine, whilst telling us we have a £22Billion public finance Blackhole. I wonder why? Cheapskate. Selling us out for other countries.

He’s also recently had paychecks reduced for someone, or some people, who were already on really crappy income, and moved £10,000 of that extra and gave it to a builder who was already on about £65 odd thousand a year… as a raise or one off or something. I need to find that again!

What… the… fuck? No words can describe it.


This whole bullshit with Ukraine is getting really old, in my opinion. I’m sick tired of our governments wasting hundreds of billions of dollars/pounds/Euros on all these “magnificent” and “noble” causes, WHILE our own people are sinking futher into deep debt and poverty. The US and British infrastructure are crumbling and manufacturing has now been gone for decades. We’d rather benefit corrupt governments of Modi, Pakistan (which supports terrorism, by the way), Chinese Communist Party and others by moving all our industries there. These people are NOT our friends and never will be! And then they don’t even have any decency to be grateful or respectful. They’d rather scam via hacking, phone calls, texts, identity theft etc.

I think it is time for us to support the right leaders who will put OUR nations and people first. Current Western liberal politicians are too feeble, incompetent and impotent. They live in their corrupt nasty swamps and want to always “help the entire world to build democracy”. Such sentimental humanism is at the very least extremely childish and naive. Time to make our people the #1 Priority.

P.S. The infamous and boring Ukraine drama has been building up since 2014. Neither side is completely innocent, in my opinion. I know how corrupt, dysfunctional and conniving both of their nations are. I think it is a waste of time and energy on our end. A waste of enormous amount of money and resources, too. Sorry, I’m not buying Zelensky’s propaganda or Putin’s lies. Just not interested in their nonsense.


Great conversation, overall, though :slightly_smiling_face: What I love about Europeans is that many of you guys are direct and don’t dance around the issue. (That has been changing too, though. Wasn’t too impressed with modern Germany, for example, or Sweden). Seems like the US, Canada and few others have often become so “PC” and “woke” that many people are hesitant to even speak up out of fear of repercussions in their workplaces, places of study, within their social circles or communities… We don’t have the real freedom of speech anymore, sadly… Rabidly woke Socialist academics controlling our educational systems, financial tycoons a la George Soros and Disney- and Netflix-style media moguls took our freedom of speech away. 50% of the population is marginalized, silenced, and intimidated to benefit the top 5% of all these corporate bigwigs that established the dark New World Order of Perversion and Bleeding Heart Neoliberalism. Sick!




So very true, my friend! My favorite “woke” imbeciles by far are Ivy League professors and their students. I have yet to see a more dysfunctional, useless and utterly stupid group of rotten spoiled naive conformists. At times, I’m shocked seeing some homeless-looking non-binary 350-lb “creature” with purple or pink hair wearing some old Wrangler jeans and enormous FUBU hoodie on mainstream political news… Said being usually spews some nonsense about “systemic injustice and generational poverty of race X vs race Y and how it can’t possibly be overcome” and how everyone is just keeping her down etc. Then, I realize that it is apparently some Harvard professor and not a demented homeless transgender prostitute… The aforementioned individual would usually have the longest name possible, such as “Kathryn Cunningham-Carrington-Schmitz-Wellerman” and the most confusing title, such as the “Senior Executive Vice Chairman of Independent Women’s Studies and Curator of Inspirational Demographic Tolerance and Sensible Multiculturalism”.

Fun fact: Despite such person’s alleged commitment to “fighting racial injustice and multigenerational poverty”, she most certainly wouldn’t ever live in an inner-city community. Nor would she ever feel uncomfortable with receiving her modest salary of $250,000/year.

I think the best way to punish such “academic” would be to force her to actually stay in class and teach a real class. For example, make her teach Physics or Math. And then I’d make her write a list of her daily, weekly, monthly and annual goals at work, track their completion and explain what value they generated for the university. Now, that’d be quite the torture!


Preferred pronouns are Xe, Xem, Xyrs, Xemself and identifies as a garden variety cabbage