A Trading Accounts Discord Scam

So I joined Like yesterday a legit trading Server but there are scammers there
so im like ok i will not leave
then i found 2 teen were trading about fortnite accounts he has the galaxy skin which is very rare
so the scammer said you give me first then he gived then he stole it and stole everythink cause you know
some peaple doesnt have some knowloge that you should never use password all the same platform
so the teen break my heart keeps calling me for help keeps calling me saying to me he cant sleep because his account got stolen
i provided some help also we got the scammer info and a dump video of him here is some of his info
The scammer discord
Name: swavywtf#5100

his youtube where he promote scams:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl2-zCXN291bBsId4jJYHkA
his discord server:Discord
his twitch: Twitch

he steal accounts

thanks for reading