845-658-5277 Publishers Clearing House

Scam Number: 845-658-5277
Additional information about this call: 845-658-5277 Todd Duncan Saturday 10-15-23 11:44PM EST

800 Lumen

805 Onvoy

(845) Answering. Dude thought I was Indian. Guy thinks we’re not making an impact and he has more than 1 line apparently. He’s a scumbag.

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This number is still answering as PCH

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American dude answering

Scam Number: 845 658 5277
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam: clusterfucker was so high on snakebite or coke the clown was able to take on very strong 30 minute insult harass session. Started out with clown saying you again? Now this was my first call obviously you other have this high on drugs with no food in stomach beat up as hell if not he beat to hell now…