831-234-0634 - Geek Squad "Suppoat"

Scam Number: 831-243-0634
Scammer’s Website or Email: Johnny Hawkins [email protected]
Additional information about this scam: Same old, same old - fake Geek Squad.

@JusticeinTexas @Jhawk @MajorLeeAwesome @bgt5WDV @Rev @Tillianne @CatMan @FallinNcalln @Matherchod @FIREFIGHTER619

See proof below:


Carrier: T-Mobile
Call Center Location: India :india:
Answers as: “Suppoat” (will hang up if asked to provide name of company)
Technician: “Mike” and “Will”
Falsely Claims: Windows Defender provided by Geek Squad
Remote Access Software: AnyDesk (Address: 1526963188/york4, Password: easy1234/)

Once remotely connected to my virtual machine, “Mike” refused to “suppoat” because I needed to set the password again


Scammers angry tell them rebecca jones says hi after 25 minutes they hung up


Thanks for sharing! I wonder how they manage to operate in the call center environment using T-Mobile’s phone numbers. I believe T-Mobile is wireless service only and is not designed for call centers, right? Or did they find a “hack”?

831 234 0634 clusterfuks try to play innocent, but we all know they’re scamming, was able to shake them up a little and get some abuse in with one male then able to get 17" put on female that said her name was knot rebbeca, but may have enjoyed the abusive conversation.


Hahahaha! Nice, thank you.

They are not answering right now. However, you can leave some inspirational and pleasant voicemails for them :wink: :wink: