714-816-4398 - Property Buying Scam

Scam Number: 714-816-4398
Scammer’s Website or Email: None
Additional information about this scam: This afternoon, I have received a robocall from scamming Filipinos who are “buying property for cash”. Here is some additional evidence of their robocalls:

714-816-4398 | 17148164398 - Robocaller Warning! - Nomorobo

714-816-4398 | 7148164398 | YouMail Directory

7148164398 / 714-816-4398 | Slickly - United States (+1)

@Sol @Jhawk @Tillianne @CatMan @MajorLeeAwesome @SouthernCulture_x @T-REX @drwat @Matherchod @FallinNcalln


How ironic…I was just dealing with some scum who sent me an email to a burner on this very subject. I’ll jump in & harass!


Awesome, thank you! I got a Filipina grandma there who sounded like she had no teeth! Probably looks similar to this:


I like when these groups emphasize they buy in cash… Like I am going to accept Applebee’s gift cards.


Not to mention, how they immediately said they were interested in my property when I called from a random TextNow burner. I then asked them if they knew where my property was and what my name was. The grandma hung up :grin::sweat_smile:


Going to voicemail now.

“I have to get back to the nursing home by 6:00”

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They don’t work after hours. Too much fun to miss in Manila for these “Baklas” and grandmas, especially on weekends!

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