530-455-3906, 530-455-3902, 505-397-5859, 505-397-5857 and 505-397-5855 - Car Warranty Scam

Hitting with :sweat_smile:c@nt song

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I bet, they love you now!

I said I want to insure my Russian fighter jet. They said something about my mother swallowing, lmao.


Since they love to say racial slurs against Black people so much, I encourage everybody to hit them up with some gangsta rap music. Middle Eastern music would be suitable too, because they hate Muslims. I am not even Middle Eastern or Muslim at all, but they called me a “towel head” lol.

Here is a full list of numbers they use. 530-455-3906, 530-455-3906, 530-455-3902 505-397-5859, 505-397-5857 and 505-397-5855 504-233-0777, 504-233-0709

Most of them are answering for now lol.

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They also talk about rape and gay rape relentlessly. Very interesting hobbies they have there.

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Welcome to the community, @Uwembo!

505-397-5859 — 3:28 pm Central in USA, this number is answerin’!

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@Hviezdoslav - good seeing you back! You will have fun with these scammers!

Lovely! Play some rap music in the background too, if you could. They very much love to use racial slurs against people of color.


530-455-3902 has a crazy guy who’s talking about “tearing my ass apart” and “facefucking”. He must have served time in prison for pedophilia and rape.

I just conferenced in a foreign EBay scammer guy (Indian I think) at the number 832 408 9838 with an American-sounding woman at Car Warranty 505-397-5859 phone number (she is very arrogant) and for a couple of minutes they were both on the phone with me. I kept asking her if she needed any help with an EBay order that someone made having hacked into her EBay account, and I kept asking him if he needed from the Car Warranty woman a warranty on your cheap worthless vehicle. They were both confused until they realized who the other was, and then they both hung up.


Amazing! I was really hoping you’d get this gay rapist dude lol. He’d love the conference call to share his fantasies.

LOL they are very irritable. After I gave the lady that answered the phone a fake name she said I should go to Ukraine. I asked her if she knew where it was and she put me on hold

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Irritable might be an understatement… They fly off the handle and are super racist, sexist, anti-gay (albeit with gay sex fantasies) and perverted. I wish I could conference them in with Vladimir Putin! It would be a fun conversation for sure!

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I haven’t got connected with any of the crazy ones yet. I just called them up right now and the lady laughed at my premise and politely told me she would take my number off their call list.

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If you push some of them hard enough, you will get the rapist white supremacist kind for sure hahaha. Just be patient and persistent. A few of our folks got those :wink:

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Fun fact: threatening to commit a violent felony with the intent to significantly frighten someone is a misdemeanor.


More info: Is It Illegal to Threaten Someone? | CriminalDefenseLawyer.com

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Yes, but they obviously are well past the fear of misdemeanors. They probably defrauded thousands of people by now with their BS scam.

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True, but they can get themselves in more legal trouble with misdemeanors.