(516) 619-4539 pch

Scam Number: (516) 619-4539
Domain Used:
Extra Info: pch
Add: 850-388-0600 pch
Add (707) 238-0510 claims for pch
Add (754) 400-6547 pch James
Add (516) 300-9805 unclaimed dept pch
Hit them :rofl:… Have fun


516 619 - no answer (Voicemail: PCH bs shit audio recording from a different device held by someone to the mic)
850 - no answer (Voicemail: Same as above pretty much, but in better quality)
707 - no answer (Voicemail: Tyrone Taylor chief of department for pch claims)
754 - no answer, hold music for a good few seconds before automatic voicemail redirection (Voicemail: James Alfurd/Alfred?)
516 300 - Voicemail requesting name, phone number, some sort of code I think access code it said and that an agent will get back to me shortly (I assume callback)

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Blast them🤣

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This one answered.


Add (855) 202–2461pch

(800) 864-9203 James Alfert callback number.

855 - asks to visit a website to add money into account, automated voice then click
800 - shame james didn’t call me back :joy: :frowning: Automatic voicemail forwarding to alleged SoCIaL SeCuRiTy AdMiNiStRaTiOn as no one is apparently able to answer my call rn.

(850) 388–0600 Still active but got VM … PCH

Just tried calling… Rang out - got VM saying they are PCH Claims department (my ass! :rofl:)

Add (914) 249–9215 PCH answered … Didnt say anything except ha ha hummed … he was lke what’s wrong with you bro why u doing this :joy:

Hit him answers and is pissed

For the 914# if says welcome publishes hit “10” or 12 or 11 makes ring again then different message comes on hang up repeat but he blocks


No its not … Answered 9:15 am

I just called… for me 914-249-9215 is apparently disconnected?

Change ur number

Add (484) 808–2125 said hello
sure it’s PCH
(425) 406–7773 PCH
Add (786) 667–6115

Still active

(850) 388–0600 Still active
(754) 400-6547 active with 101# loop
(516) 726–9532 PCH

(516) 726–9532 PCH
Going to voicemail