419 Scam Email

Email sender: [email protected]
Email title: Business Insights Opportunity

My name is Philip Sankey Roger, Research director At reputable company in United Kingdom ,
I would like to share with you some business insights that will interest you .

I will look forward for your response for detail explanation.

Best Regards

Philip Sankey Roge

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Hello Raymond,

I’m glad we can connect here. I’m Philip Roger, a Research Assistant of the Research and Development Department working with Med Pharmaceutical Laboratories UK, One of the leading Bio Pharmaceutical Companies here in England.

I’m looking for a reliable businessman/individual in your region to represent my company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used in the manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer treatment and other life saving Pharmaceutical Products.

This may not be your area of specialization but it will be another income generating business out of your specialty. This is because our company is yet to locate any seller to buy from, however, I have been able to discover a local dealer who can supply us with this product. He is selling at a cheap rate , which is far more cheaper than our previous purchases.

My director is not yet aware that I have found a new seller. Now THIS IS MY PROPOSAL TO YOU; I want you to stand in as a new local dealer from your country and I will introduce you to our company. The reason for this is because I don’t want my company to have direct contact with the local agent that sells this excipient very cheaply.

This will enable us to work together as partners and make real cool profits. You as the local seller will supply to our company at a good rate which I will inform you later when we are in agreement and This will attract the attention of our company director to buy from you as against the previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit .

I will give you more specific profit details when I receive feedback from you if you are interested.

Philip Roger

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Thank you for responding to my message. I hope to elaborate extensively about this so you will know it is a nice one and I will guide you through the entire process so we can achieve success in this business.

Zilicon Excipient extract v45 is used in the suppressive drugs for HIV, gives good analytical result and prove to corrective cancer cure and helps in the cure of tuberculosis., The Zilicon Excipient extract v45 is a new and rare cold pressed and pressurized raw material we need for the manufacture of so many lifesaving drugs right now. It is a rare Excipient mixture from rare organic plants which are nurtured under good environmental conditions to achieve great results after careful preparation.

Our company wants a supplier who will handle the supply of this pressurized raw materials we need for manufacture of so many lifesaving drugs right now.

The Zilicon Excipient extract v45 will be exported to the United Kingdom where our pharmaceutical company is located. We lost our supplier to this raw material last year and it has hindered production in the company.

I have been able to discover a local dealer who can supply us this product.

**Your Duty: You will act as a Front local seller and will supply to our company at the rate of US$21,000 or less. This will attract the attention of our company director to buy from you as against the previous rate of US$22,000.

The dealer is selling at a cheap rate of US$9,000 per drum, which is far cheaper than our previous purchases.
It is not in line with my work contract to handle procurement contracts, so I seek your consent to act as a front and help execute this project and hand me a commission.

Before I direct you to the CPO and give you more vital information, we will agree on the commission I will get if the contract gets to you and after the supply. I would like to have 20% of the profit after the deal as my commission in this. If you are alright with that then I will draft an MOU so we can sign for it to bind us after that I can direct you accordingly. You will have to send me your below details to be able to draft up this MOU.

I will direct you to the procurement department of our company that handles procurement if you agree to give me 20% of the profit as a commission from every $12,000 made from each barrel purchased by our company.

Once we agree on the commission and I receive the below details

Your full name:

Your phone number:

Your home address:

Job Position:

Then we can draft the MOU and after that I can direct you accordingly.

Finally, I would like to inform you that it’s not antisocial or anti government

I look forward to doing good business with you.

Philip Roger

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