419 Scam Email

Email sender: [email protected]
Email title: I look forward to your response.

Subject: Business Collaboration

My name is Dr. Mansoor M Kardame. I am a supervisor and production director at the Richreen Pharmaceuticals here in the United Kingdom. I got your details online in my quest for good business entrepreneurs for partnership in this very lucrative business venture. Pardon me to say I investigated your company briefly and l am convinced which is the reason I am reaching out to you in order for us to explore the possibilities of collaborating together as partners in the supply of raw materials to our pharmaceutical company where l work. Sir, I am the Production Manager for Animal Vaccines Production at Richreen pharmaceutical, UK. Our pharmacy is in dare need of one of the raw materials required for the production of the animal vaccines and l know where it can be gotten at a very minimal rate and sold to my company at a higher price. This venture holds significant profit potential, and I believe establishing a trustworthy partnership with you could yield mutually beneficial results.

Upon your positive response, I’ll provide further details. Sir, If you cannot take up the offer, I will understand but there is a referral bonus if you are able to introduce any company willing to partner with me.

Kindly reply me on my confidential email account: [email protected]

Thank you for considering this opportunity.

I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

Dr. Mansoor M Kardame,
Research & Development Department,
Richreen Pharmaceuticals, United Kingdom.